Definitions of Generosity

“Generous is defined, or at least one of its definitions, is ‘giving more than is expected.’ I think that phrase is really important. In the Christian tradition you are encouraged to tithe ten percent. I wouldn’t describe that as generosity, however, because that’s what you’re supposed to do. That’s what is expected. I think, likewise, if you help a coworker finish a task or clean up after an event, or whatever it might be, I might argue that’s expected. That’s just being a good person. Generosity is something more than that.”

—Mrs. Heather Templeton Dill, grand-daughter to Sir John Templeton

“Generosity is a complex duality. On the one hand, generosity is a disposition—a moral or spiritual orientation that inclines our affections to care for others. On the other hand, generosity is also a deed and a practice by which individuals dedicate financial assets, in-kind gifts, or personal services for the care of others. Generosity, as a virtue combines, this duality: it is the habit of fusing the affective disposition and the practical care.”

—Paul G. Schervish, Professor Emeritus, Director (retired) Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, Boston College

“Generosity is giving good things to others freely and abundantly. Generous behaviors are intended to enhance the well-being of others. However, the giver can benefit, which distinguishes generosity from ‘pure’ altruism. Generosity can be actualized through various forms of giving. Generous activities include: monetary donations, volunteering, political action, blood donation, estate giving, lending possessions, sustainability giving, [and] relational generosity.”

—Herzog, Patricia Snell and Heather E. Price. 2016. American Generosity: Who Gives and Why. New York: Oxford University Press, p. 2

“The modern English word ‘generosity’ derives from the Latin word ‘generosus’, which means ‘of noble birth.’ Most recorded English uses of the word ‘generous’ up to and during the Sixteenth Century reflect an aristocratic sense of being of noble lineage or high birth. To be generous was literally a way of saying ‘to belong to nobility.’ During the 17th Century, however, the meaning and use of the word began to change. Generosity came increasingly to identify not literal family heritage but a nobility of spirit thought to be associated with high birth— that is, with various admirable qualities that could now vary from person to person, depending not on family history but on whether a person actually possessed the qualities. Then, during the 18th Century, the meaning of “generosity” continued to evolve in directions denoting the more specific, contemporary meaning of munificence, open–handedness, and liberality in the giving of money and possessions to others.”

—The Science of Generosity, What is Generosity?

Generosity refers to the “virtue of giving good things to others freely and abundantly.”

—The Science of Generosity, What is Generosity?

“Generosity…is a learned character trait that involves both attitude and action—entailing as a virtue both an inclination or predilection to give liberally and an actual practice of giving liberally.”

—The Science of Generosity, What is Generosity?

“Generosity is…not a random idea or haphazard behavior but rather, in its mature form, a basic, personal, moral orientation to life. Furthermore, in a world of moral contrasts, generosity entails not only the moral good expressed but also many vices rejected (selfishness, greed, fear, meanness).”

—The Science of Generosity, What is Generosity?

“Generosity…involves giving to others not simply anything in abundance but rather giving those things that are good for others. Generosity always intends to enhance the true wellbeing of those to whom it gives. What exactly generosity gives can be various things: money, possessions, time, attention, aid, encouragement, emotional availability, and more.”

—The Science of Generosity, What is Generosity?

Yesterday the attention of all the guests gathered for the premiere of the TV series “Missing” was riveted to Ashley Judd, and not because of the actress playing the lead role (former CIA agent), but because of rumors about her recent plastic surgery. These came after the 43-year-old star was recently captured by paparazzi in Toronto with a badly swollen face. The press Ashley Judd now plastic surgery immediately stated that Ashley, in the pursuit of youthfulness, decided on a cosmetic surgery, and swelling – the proof. Judd explained her condition by the reaction of the body on anti-inflammatory pills, which she took, and about the flawless skin, saying that it is the result of her work on yourself. To those who did not believe her, the actress was not lazy to respond in detail and published an open letter, striking the intensity of passion: “I’m making an appeal because all of these rumors affect more than just me: they reflect that vile and sexist approach to women in general.

“Generosity, to be clear, is not identical to pure altruism, since people can be authentically generous in part for reasons that serve their own interests as well as those of others. Indeed, insofar as generosity is a virtue, to practice it for the good of others also necessarily means that doing so achieves one’s own true, long–term good as well. And so generosity, like all of the virtues, is in people’s genuine enlightened self-interest to learn and practice.”

—The Science of Generosity, What is Generosity?